Did you know that the concept of RheumReports was developed over a lunch meeting in August 2014? In 3 short months we were able to take this concept and bring it to life in time for ACR 2014. Our aim was to bring the "bench" to the "bedside" in an expedited manner with the aim of making you smile along the way!
We’ve been really pleased with the overwhelming amount of positive feedback. Thank you for all of the helpful suggestions along the way.
All of the RheumReporters have been fantastic. Thanks to Janet Pope, Paul Haraoui, Sherry Rohekar, Stephanie Keeling, Lillian Barra, Terri Lupton, Whitney Steber, and Leslie Culham. They shared many great, insightful articles. My personal favourites were Stephanie Keeling's article on "boots", Janet Pope's articles including "Holy Sh*t! our Gut Biome and Autoimmune Disease" and "The Most Proliferative Authors at the ACR" and Paul Haraoui's "Matching game". Sorry, I can't forget about the "How to speak Bahston English" article and Janet's "buzz words".
I would really like to thank my RheumReports teammates, Kevin Firko (technical) and Christina Clark (medical writing). I really don’t know how this could have been pulled off without you. They have both worked tirelessly behind the scenes.
I would also like to thank Brian Rogers and the team at Janssen. Janssen was very courageous to go along with the idea and very courteous to stay completely hands off and let us have our fun. In the end I think we’ve created something that is truly special. Something that has brought value to our colleagues. Something that we can all be proud of.
Is this the end of RheumReports? Are we a "one hit wonder"? I sincerely hope not because I have a few other ideas up my sleeve. Who knows, maybe you’ll see us at CRA 2015?
Stay safe,
Andy Thompson
Dr. Andy Thompson is an Associate Professor at Western University and founder of Rheuminfo.com, Rheumtalks.com, and RheumReports.com.
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